Ordinary People Building the Kingdom

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Life is real.
Don't do it alone.

This is a place where you can truly feel that you belong.  It doesn’t matter where you are at, if you are struggling, or you are questioning, come as you are. Together we are committed to living out the love of Christ through serving, connecting, and walking through life with others.  We would love for you to be a part of building this ever-growing community!

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Lakeville Campus

16165 Kenwood Trail,
Lakeville, MN 55044

Sundays at 10:00 am (Due to the COVID-19 status the services will be Online Only)

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New Hope Campus

3351 Independence Ave.
New Hope, MN  55427

Sundays at 10:00 am (Due to the COVID-19 status the services will be Online Only)

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Bloomington Campus

2300 E. 88th St.
Bloomington, MN  55425

Sundays at 10:00 am (Due to the COVID-19 status the services will be Online Only)

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Stories of life change at Hometown


There are no words to describe all that this church has meant to myself, my wife, and our son. Through prayer, sermons, Bible studies, seminars, and men's times, I've always been encouraged to be the best husband, father and man of faith I can be. On top of that, the church has also provided opportunities for me to get out and serve in the community and to make a difference. I'm encouraged every week at Hometown!

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Stories of life change at Hometown


The first time that I came to Hometown Church I was very skeptical, but I kept coming for my wife and kids. When I heard a message about building up walls between ourselves and God, it helped me understand the giant walls of hate and anger I had built up towards God and people. That day something in me changed and the walls began to come down brick-by-brick. I gave my life to Jesus and since then have been continually trying to grow in my faith. The Lord has taught me how important it is to do life with Jesus and my new church family. I feel so blessed to be a part of Hometown Church.

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Stories of life change at Hometown


This church has played a critical role in both of our lives. Elijah has been attending here his entire life, while I joined much later. This is where we met and fell in love. But beyond that, we have found such a deep sense of community here and made friendships that will last forever. Our faith was challenged, and God was present in a tangible way. Together, we have loved calling this our home church.

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Stories of life change at Hometown


Knowing how unhappy I was in my marriage and life in general, a friend suggested I try her church. After a few Sundays listening to the teachings, I met Jesus. Not only did I have assurance of where I would spend eternity, but my marriage and family were also changed forever. Since then, I’ve had to rely on God to get through some very difficult times in my life. I lost my daughter to cancer, I was diagnosed with MS, and later lost both of my parents within a year of each other. Even through adversity, I've always found hope and joy, just knowing I'm God’s child. His love, mercy and grace are abundant and sufficient. BTW, my husband and I are celebrating our 45th anniversary this year!

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Stories of life change at Hometown

David & Ashley

We began looking for a church community that desired to seek God more than religion. In 2013, we started attending Hometown Church. The welcoming atmosphere and spirit-filled worship music stood out to us immediately.  We appreciated hearing messages that were centered on the Bible and yet also totally relatable and applicable to our lives. Over the past 7 years God has deepened our understanding of who He is, His purpose for our lives and His plans for the future. He has transformed our faith from a religious activity to a heartfelt desire to live for Christ. Our identity as individuals and a family is now grounded in who we are as children of God and followers of Christ.

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Stories of life change at Hometown


At 18 years old I walked into a new church all alone. While I expected to just slip in and try out the church and then slip out, I was quickly blown away by the sense of community. I was immediately greeted by and introduced to several people who truly wanted to help get me connected. I was welcomed with open arms to a place that immediately felt like home. A place where everything was rooted in Jesus. I had been to other churches and youth groups before, many of which were very attractive and flashy. I had thought to myself “I just want to meet real people who really love Jesus.” And that’s what I found at Hometown Church. A church that was not attractive because of worldly sensations, rather attractive by the presence of the love and power of Christ Jesus.

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Ordinary People Building the Kingdom

Become a Kingdom Builder

At Hometown we are excited to be part of a mission much larger than our own church...building God's Kingdom. In Acts 1:8 Jesus said to his disciples (who were very ordinary men without much training) "And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” They were to take his message to the whole planet. We believe God wants his followers to do the same thing in this day and age. Kingdom Builders is a vision campaign for how we, as a church, can be active in living out that commandment and calling!

Within Kingdom Builders are the following types of projects - humanitarian aid, church planting, reaching the unreached, refugee care, and local outreach.